[Bioperl-l] pipeline

Jerm jerm@worf.fugu-sg.org
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 13:46:37 +0800 (SGT)

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Elia Stupka wrote:

> Now to practical terms, do we envisage re-ingeneering more and more
> ensembl-pipeline to run bioperl runnables, or a new bioperl pipeline to run
> both bioperl and ensembl runnables? (Knowing that it is up for revamping
> anyway?)

I would imagine that it would be a better to have a ensembl-pipeline that runs
bioperl runnables, and not the other way around. And this would be possible with
specific RunnableDBs wouldn't it? 
