[Bioperl-l] rebuilding a genbank Bio Index

Andreas Matern andreas.matern@lbri.lionbioscience.com
Mon, 04 Mar 2002 14:28:06 -0500

I have a Bio::Index::Genbank which has regretfully had its member files

I've been trying to rebuild the index like so: 
(N.B. this is exactly how I made the index in the first place)

use Bio::Index::GenBank;
my $Index_File_Name = "genbank";
my $inx = Bio::Index::GenBank->new('-filename' => $Index_File_name,
'-write_flag' => 'WRITE');

and then trying to access it like so:

use Bio::Index::GenBank;
my $Index_File_Name = "genbank";
my $inx = Bio::Index::GenBank->new('-filename' => $Index_File_name);
@acc = $inx->get_all_primary_ids();
foreach my $acc (@acc) {
	//do fancy stuff here

But I still get errors like:

MSG: file 0 [/path/to/gbfile/file.seq ] has changed size 15543834 ->
165442561. This probably means you need to rebuild the index.

Am I missing something?  Is there some kind of 'update' or 'rebuild'
command I can't seem to find?
Any help is appreciated.

If it helps, I'm using the CVS version of bioperl (from Friday) on irix
with perl 5.6.0 under irix.



Andreas Matern
LION Bioscience Research, Inc.
141 Portland Street, 10th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02139

phone: (617) 245-5483
fax:   (617) 245-5499