[Bioperl-l] Getting started with Bio::TreeIO

Jason Stajich jason@cgt.mc.duke.edu
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 22:30:37 -0400 (EDT)

Serendipity?  I have just started (this week) to refocus on my initial
efforts on the Tree modules to build more functionality as part of a push
to build evolutionary and comparative genomics tools in Bioperl.

More to details as to the exact plan when I get a little more in the thick
of it.  The first part that was committed last week - a wrapper around one
of the PAML programs (codeml) to calculate Ka,Ks,and Ka/Ks values.

On Mon, 17 Jun 2002, Howard Ross wrote:

> Dear folks,
> I would like to be able to read in a phylogenetic tree, manipulate its
> branching structure by repositioning clades, and then write it to file.
> The Bio::Tree modules seem the obvious tool. I'm have trouble getting
> started and would appreciate a bit of help.
> In working with the Bio::Tree modules recently, I have deduced:
> - they do not support Newick trees WITHOUT branch lengths,
> although this is a legitimate format, and

Good point - bug fix checked into main trunk tonight.  Can now read/write
newick w/ and w/o branch labels.  I also added a new made-up format that I
call Bio::TreeIO::tabtree which prints trees in an ASCII drawing of sorts.
Very simple until I hook up the drawgram connection to the PHYLIP wrapper
(which is on the TODO list).

Contact me off the list if you are uncomfortable with CVS checkouts of the
code - however this is going to have to be bleeding edge code for at least
the summer.

> - ancestor is defined only for rooted trees (this makes sense)
> Can I suggest that these get put into the POD sections, to save the
> next person's time.

Sure thing.  We should talk more about what should be expected behaviors
for different types of trees and what expanded list of questions we want
to address with trees.

> I have successfully read in a tree, and then written it out to file.
> But, I have been totally unsuccessful at making any changes to the
> tree and then saving it to file.

I think that I ran into a bit of trouble implementing this and probably
never fixed it - spent a little time on it tonight, see below for
comments.  Thank you for a REALLY GOOD BUG REPORT since it is easy for me
to get in and start playing with the bugs.

> The following piece of code should swap nodes C and G in the tree
> (shown below) but it only recreates the input tree.
> #===============================================================
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use Bio::TreeIO;
> my $treeio = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'newick', -file =>
> 'rooted8tree.tre');
> my $treeout = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'newick', -file => ">saveme.txt" );
> my $tree = $treeio->next_tree;
> my @nodes = $tree->get_nodes;

> my $i, $c, $g;
> for ($i = 0; $i <= $#nodes; $i++) {
>     if ($nodes[$i]->id eq 'C') {
>     $c = $i;
>     }
>     if ($nodes[$i]->id eq 'G') {
>     $g = $i;
>     }
> }
> my $cancestor = $nodes[$c]->ancestor;
> my $gancestor = $nodes[$g]->ancestor;
> $nodes[$c]->ancestor($gancestor);
> $nodes[$g]->ancestor($cancestor);
> $treeout->write_tree($tree);

The ancestor updates don't fix the fact that we have a reverse pointer for
the parent->child relationship which is what is read when the tree is
dumped out for the Tree writer - you have to update the child list of the
ancestor node to reflect the changes you want - the ancestor method is
basically a convience method which is kept up to date by the
add_Descendent method, I should probably make it read-only to prevent
these problems in the future (okay -its done now).

Perhaps I may have implemented the tree and node objects as more
complicated than they need to be?  I think it is justified given the
different capabilities we want.  If someone wants to suggest a better
implementation please code it up and propose it.

Here are the capabilities I think that Trees and their Nodes need:

 * Represent Polytomys (>2 children per node).

   So we use a hash at each Node to represent the pointers to all of
   its children.  The has is updated through the methods
   add_Descendent().  To retrieve all the immediete children
   call each_Descendent().  To get all the children and all of their
   children (a recursive call), use get_Descedents().

 * Be able to get the ancestor (parent) of a child node.

   The add_Descendent method also does some housekeeping for us - it
   updates the ancestor pointer.  This is accessed through the
   ancestor() method.

 * Store branch length, description text, and a user readable id.
   Additionally have an associated unique id for a node.

 * Remove a child from one node and add it as a child to another node.
   (As brought up by Howard).  I added the methods
   remove_all_Descendents() which wipes out a node's list of children
   (but does not necessarily DESTROY them if you have a ptr handle to
   them elsewhere).  And the method remove_Descendent($node) which
   will remove the requested child from a node.  (This is based on the
   the internal_id so implementing a db store for trees will need to
   be sure and properly store an id for Nodes).

So to do what you want to do - which is move a node to a different clade -
we need to do a couple of things - remove it from the list of children for
the parent node of that clade, and add it as a child to the head node of
the second clade you want it in.  I have added your code in the t/TreeIO.t
test by reading in your example file and providing the tests.

hmm - the anonymous server is down temporarily or I'd post the link to the
code, we'll get that back up soon.  Anyways, it basically looks like this:
(Set the $vebose flag to 1 if you want to see the tree printed out).

$treeio = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'newick',
                          -fh => \*DATA);
my $treeout = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'tabtree');
my $treeout2 = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'newick');

$tree = $treeio->next_tree;

if( $verbose > 0  ) {
@nodes = $tree->get_nodes;

my( $i, $c, $g);

for ($i = 0; $i <= $#nodes; $i++) {
    next unless defined $nodes[$i]->id;
    if ($nodes[$i]->id eq 'C') {
        $c = $i;
    if ($nodes[$i]->id eq 'G') {
        $g = $i;
my $cancestor = $nodes[$c]->ancestor;
my $gancestor = $nodes[$g]->ancestor;
$cancestor->id('C-ancestor'); # let's provide a way to test if we suceeded
$gancestor->id('G-ancestor'); # in our swapping


@nodes = $tree->get_nodes();

for ($i = 0; $i <= $#nodes; $i++) {
    next unless defined $nodes[$i]->id;
    if ($nodes[$i]->id eq 'C') {
        # test that we swapped nodes properly
        ok($nodes[$i]->ancestor->id, 'G-ancestor');
        $c = $i;
    if ($nodes[$i]->id eq 'G') {
        $g = $i;
        # test that we swapped nodes properly
        ok($nodes[$i]->ancestor->id, 'C-ancestor');

if( $verbose > 0  ) {


> #==============================================================
> -rooted8tree.tre-
> (((A:1,B:1):1,(C:1,D:1):1):1,((E:1,F:1):1,(G:1,H:1):1):1);
> I have also tried to rearrange the tree by adding nodes and defining
> the descendents, again without success.
> So, the big question is how do you rearrange nodes in these trees:
> - To specify a node-node relationship, do you need to specify both the
>   ancestor and the descendent fields of the respective nodes?

Just need to update the descendents as described above as the ancestor ptr
is updated by the add_Descendent method
> - Can (should) you have more than one tree in memory?
sure, there is no problem with that - if you are basing one tree off the
nodes of another you will need to make explicit copies of each node - we
probably need to think about a 'clone' method or something so that you
don't get into trouble making updates in one list of nodes which affects
the other list as well.

> - How do you specify which tree a particular node belongs to?
I think a tree is just a grouping of nodes - if you wanted to test if two
nodes are in the same tree - you would want to walkup the ancestor
pointers until you got to the root node and compare the internal_ids for
each of those nodes.

> - Do all nodes in a particular tree have to be defined in the same array?
no - you can add nodes after a tree is built - the nodes array is a
convient way to manipulate a tree when you know it is binary (see the
RandomTree generator in Bio::Tree).

> - Given the situation with ancestor and unrooted trees, how do you
>   (re)define node-node relationships for this type of tree?

hmm - so the definition of an unrooted tree is on which would have > 1
nodes with no ancestor.   It is quite fine to do the rearranging as I
describe above - the problems come when you want to test if two nodes are
in the same tree.  I'm quite sure this is covered in the CS literature -
I'll leaf through my Gusfield text and see what he covers wrt to
phylogenetic trees.

Hope this is the beginning of a good answer - I'll try and convert this
commentary into better documentation as time permits (or if someone else
wants to contribute this I'll gladly step aside!).


> Your help would be much appreciated.
> Howard

Jason Stajich
Duke University
jason at cgt.mc.duke.edu