[Bioperl-l] Getting started with Bio::TreeIO

Howard Ross h.ross@auckland.ac.nz
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 09:45:18 +1200

Dear folks,
I would like to be able to read in a phylogenetic tree, manipulate its
branching structure by repositioning clades, and then write it to file.
The Bio::Tree modules seem the obvious tool. I'm have trouble getting
started and would appreciate a bit of help.

In working with the Bio::Tree modules recently, I have deduced:
- they do not support Newick trees WITHOUT branch lengths,
although this is a legitimate format, and
- ancestor is defined only for rooted trees (this makes sense)
Can I suggest that these get put into the POD sections, to save the
next person's time.

I have successfully read in a tree, and then written it out to file.
But, I have been totally unsuccessful at making any changes to the
tree and then saving it to file.

The following piece of code should swap nodes C and G in the tree
(shown below) but it only recreates the input tree.

use Bio::TreeIO;

my $treeio = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'newick', -file =>
my $treeout = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'newick', -file => ">saveme.txt" );
my $tree = $treeio->next_tree;
my @nodes = $tree->get_nodes;

my $i, $c, $g;

for ($i = 0; $i <= $#nodes; $i++) {
    if ($nodes[$i]->id eq 'C') {
    $c = $i;
    if ($nodes[$i]->id eq 'G') {
    $g = $i;
my $cancestor = $nodes[$c]->ancestor;
my $gancestor = $nodes[$g]->ancestor;


I have also tried to rearrange the tree by adding nodes and defining
the descendents, again without success.

So, the big question is how do you rearrange nodes in these trees:

- To specify a node-node relationship, do you need to specify both the
  ancestor and the descendent fields of the respective nodes?

- Can (should) you have more than one tree in memory?

- How do you specify which tree a particular node belongs to?

- Do all nodes in a particular tree have to be defined in the same array?

- Given the situation with ancestor and unrooted trees, how do you
  (re)define node-node relationships for this type of tree?

Your help would be much appreciated.

Dr. Howard Ross, Research Fellow,
School of Biological Sciences, The University of Auckland,
Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
email: h.ross@auckland.ac.nz phone: 64-9-373-7599 ext 6160