[Bioperl-l] Query for parseing Genbank files with BioGraphics

Soumyadeep nandi soumyadeep_nandi@yahoo.com
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 04:03:12 -0800 (PST)

Hi Everybody,

I've installed bioperl-live cvs version in my system.

I've followed the following steps to install
bioperl-live cvs version:
1. cvs -d
2. password "cvs"
3. cvs -z 3 -d
co -r branch-07 bioperl-live
These i've followed from site

But when I run embl2picture.pl which render embl or
genbank file into pictorial form.
I get error that i am pasting below.

Moreover, when I try to parse the blast output file I
get the message
(perhaps you forgot to load
(perhaps you forgot to load "Bio::SearchIO"?)

Please suggest me how do I fix these problems.

With regards,

-------------------- EXCEPTION --------------------
MSG: Attempting to set the sequence to
which does not look healthy
STACK Bio::PrimarySeq::seq
STACK Bio::PrimarySeq::new
STACK Bio::Seq::new
STACK Bio::SeqIO::fasta::next_primary_seq
STACK Bio::SeqIO::fasta::next_seq
STACK toplevel render4.pl:28

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