[Bioperl-l] Tag handling on SeqFeature::Generic
Marco Aurelio Valtas Cunha
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 16:01:19 -0300
I've got this message stuck on moderator approval cause the attachment,
so here is without the attachment, maybe later the other gets in.
Hi Hilmar,
I avoid post scripts to not load you guys, cause I know that everybody
is working and when there's a time you respond to the list.
Probably you won't be able to run this script cause will be missing some
files, but in short what I try to do is:
Data: A megablast result (Human NT contigs vs 900K ESTS) and a DB::GFF
(human mapview information from NCBI)
First problem is that GFF format is not a hierarchical format, so if I
blasted with NT then I need retrieve the position of the NT on the
Chromosome so I can discover the position of my ESTs on the chromosome.
Then I parse the megablast using Bonnie module MBPlite.pm, with DB::GFF
( and a help from Lincoln Stein) I convert blast coordenates to absolute
coordenates so I can save the GFF file with the right information, and
this file will be uploaded to my MySQL (DB::GFF) database.
To do all I use Bioperl, but I'm little experienced on Bioperl so
sometimes I choose not the best way to solve my problems.
Hilmar Lapp wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jason Stajich [mailto:jason@cgt.mc.duke.edu]
>>Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 7:32 AM
>>To: Marco Aurelio Valtas Cunha
>>Cc: Bioperl
>>Subject: Re: [Bioperl-l] Tag handling on SeqFeature::Generic
> [...]
>>>I felling that using SeqFeature::Generic is wrong. But I'm really
>>>confused with Tools:GFF and SeqFeature::Generic in both
>>modules you can
>>To clarify:
>>Bio::Tools::GFF is probably badly named -- it is just and Input/Output
>>mechanism for Bio::SeqFeatureI objects and GFF format.
> In fact internally calling $seqfeature->gff_string() delegates to an
instance of Bio::Tools::GFF to do the job. So there's really no
difference between the output.
> Bio::Tools::GFF is indeed badly named -- it should be in a
Bio::SeqFeatureIO directory to be consistent with Bioperl's other IO
module layouts.
> Marco, if you want comments on how you accomplished the job in your
script you should post the script, or its relevant parts.
> -hilmar
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Marco Aurélio Valtas Cunha
Laboratório de Bioinformática
Hemocentro de Ribeirão Preto
Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto
Universidade de São Paulo
Tel 55 16 3963-9300 R: 9603
email: mavcunha@bit.fmrp.usp.br