[Bioperl-l] HOWTOs signup

Jason Stajich jason@cgt.mc.duke.edu
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 08:57:04 -0400 (EDT)

(Having trouble reading my handwriting, if I forgot yours send a note out
announcing what you'll work on so that we don't get duplicate HOWTOs)

So far:
 AAron      -- PAML
	       Tree stuff
 Darrin     -- Bio::SeqIO (parsing flatfiles)
 Jason      -- Finish SearchIO (SteveC to give feedback/help)
 Lincoln    -- Draw graphics
 Kris       -- Structure
 Boris      -- Transcription factor binding sites?
 Sean       -- Protein fams
 SteveC     -- Restriction Enzymes
            -- RemoteDBs?
 Ewan       -- Local Index
 ?          -- CDS/Feature extraction?

 Sue        -- Read through and give feedback, test if things don't work,

Anyone else who wants to contribute a kernel of documentation here would
be most welcomed.  Show how to use the toolkit in your own way.  Fame,
praise, fan clubs to follow.


Jason Stajich
Duke University
jason at cgt.mc.duke.edu