[Bioperl-l] Bio::Cluster

Andreas Matern andreas.matern@lbri.lionbioscience.com
Mon, 05 Aug 2002 13:21:19 -0400

I use Bio::Cluster::UniGene quite often, and I've been happy with it, 
but I do have one question:

The docs 
(http://docs.bioperl.org/bioperl-live/Bio/Cluster/UniGeneI.html) say 
that the methods cytoband and gene should return strings, however they 
occasionally return hashes....

Is this a bug or a feature? :)

I have little experience with Parse::RecDecent so I can't fix it myself...

I'm using the CVS version of bioperl-live....



Andreas Matern
Bioinformatics - Research and Development
Lion Bioscience Research Inc.
141 Portland Street, 10th floor
Cambridge, MA 02139  USA
Phone: 617-245-5483
Fax: 617-245-5499