[Bioperl-l] New bioperl NT user
Pedro Beltrão
Pedro Beltrão <pedrobeltrao@mail.pt>
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 18:33:09 +0100
I can't seem to just open a local index for a EMBL flat file. The script is
in the same directory has the the flat file but the script returns a "No
such file or directory" error. I tryed on the same script a file open and
it goes okay.
I would appreciate any info on the problem or where to learn more about it.
use Bio::Index::EMBL;
my $Index_File_Name = "CALBI.embl";
my $inx = Bio::Index::EMBL->new('-filename' => $Index_File_Name);
my $out = Bio::SeqIO->new('-format' => 'Fasta','-fh' => \*STDOUT);
foreach my $id (@ARGV) {
my $seq = $inx->fetch($id); # Returns Bio::Seq object
------------- EXCEPTION -------------
MSG: Can't open 'SDBM_File' dbm file 'CALBI.embl' : No such file or
STACK Bio::Index::Abstract::open_dbm
STACK Bio::Index::Abstract::new C:/Perl/site/lib/Bio/Index/Abstract.pm:151
STACK Bio::Index::AbstractSeq::new
STACK toplevel parseEMBL2.pl:9
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