[Bioperl-l] Bug in get_Seq_by_acc() function?

Hong (Henry) Lu hlu@epigene.com
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 15:49:50 -0400 (EDT)

I used get_Seq_by_acc() function to obtain genbank sequence in my
intranet web application. However, I encountered problem as below:

Accession "L12691" will not work properly for the function. The Genbank
sequence I obtained is AC090389 using fuction

Under NCBI web page, If I type in "L12691", I will get both
AC090389  L12691. "AC090389" is really unrelated
sequence to "L12691" thought it has word "L12691" in its comment field.

I had always assumed that I could obtain an uniq sequence using
get_Seq_by_acc() function. Now I have to reconsider the issue.  How can
get_Seq_by_acc() function report an unrelated sequence?

Hong (Henry) Lu
Bioinformatics Scientist
Epigenesis Pharmaceuticals