[Bioperl-l] swissprot giving no id exception
Guoneng Zhong
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:41:57 -0400
Oh right, I looked at your code earlier and I see that it is -verbose
and I put in verbose. I replaced the stream method with accessing each
id at a time. That way worked with no problem, so it can't be the
accession numbers. So it's working now, but it didn't work using the
following code:
while(@subarr = splice @ids,0,$MAX_IDS_SENT){
print "Starting a another batch...\n";
my $sp = new Bio::DB::SwissProt;
my $sequenceIO = $sp->get_Stream_by_acc(\@ids);
my $seqObj = 1;
$seqObj = $sequenceIO->next_seq();
push @seqs,$seqObj;
print $seqObj->primary_id."\n";
print "uh oh:\n$@\n" if($@);
Do you see anything wrong? The exception is thrown only at the last
round of the outer while loop when the remaining ids were sent to
creating the stream. There were 70 ids to start with, and 25 were sent
each time (apparently this DB object only allows something like 50 ids
sent at a time).