[Bioperl-l] 'Papers'
Phillip Lord
08 Apr 2002 13:00:42 +0100
>>>>> "Eugen" == Eugen Leitl <eugen@leitl.org> writes:
Eugen> On 8 Apr 2002, Phillip Lord wrote:
>> They haven't be around for very long. Free electronic access now
>> sounds great, but 10 years ago no one really cared that much, as
>> computers were not powerful enough to cope with diagrams, or
>> worse photo's.
Eugen> 1992? They were, of course.
In 1992 the brand new cutting edge PC that we had in our lab was a 486
with an enormous hard drive of something like 80Mb. My network quota
was something like 2 Mb of space, and we had special extra network
space on which we stored images from the phospho-imager.
A few years later, when CD based journals started appearing, only the
machine in the library was powerful enough to access it off CD-ROM.
Of course it might have been different in your were working in a CS
department, but in 1992, the average PC was, as I said, not powerful
enough. You might have got a few papers in your quota, but my filing
system had 2-3000 photocopies by the time I finished by thesis.
Eugen> The problem with electronic papers is that the medium doesn't
Eugen> have an established peer review mechanism yet, and the
Eugen> researchers are relunctant to use it, as long as it
Eugen> doesn't.
Yes, I agree.
Anyway this is getting well off topic, so I'll leave it there.