[Bioperl-l] getting ready the v.0.7.1.

Todd Richmond todd@andrew2.stanford.edu
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 09:30:16 -0700

On 6/21/01 5:57 AM, "Jason Stajich" <jason@chg.mc.duke.edu> wrote:

> I've gotten no complaints from anyone so I'm ready roll it out as soon as
> tomorrow.  Mac and NT folks haven't said anything major so I'm ready.  I
> want to proofread the README one more time, perhaps add a msg about
> 0.7.1 at the top - and the verify that there aren't any other
> outstanding issues to be added to the BUGS file.

I have to confess that I've been too busy to test out things on MacOS 9, but
I imagine that all of the same issues exist. MacPerl based on perl 5.6.1
isn't ready for release yet so things haven't changed on that front. As for
MacOS X, the only failures using the latest cvs update are the known issues
with Clustalw 1.8

Todd Richmond                    http://cellwall.stanford.edu/todd
Carnegie Institution             email: todd@andrew2.stanford.edu
Department of Plant Biology      fax: 1-650-325-6857
260 Panama Street                phone: 1-650-325-1521 x431
Stanford, CA 94305