[Bioperl-l] Exception parsing blast output
Vsevolod Ilyushchenko
Thu, 06 Dec 2001 15:43:58 -0500
I can't parse the output of blastn or tblastx on a certain nucleotid
sequence. As I am new to bioperl, I do not know whether this is a horrible
bug or a common enough thing. If there is anyone who would be willing take
a look at this, I will gladly mail the files.
Simon (Vsevolod ILyushchenko) simonf@cshl.edu
http://www.simonf.com simonf@simonf.com
"A man who feels himself a citizen of the world whose
loyalty is to the human race and to life, rather than
to any exclusive part of it; a man who loves his country
because he loves mankind, and whose judgement is not
warped by tribal loyalties." Erich Fromm