[Bioperl-l] Scanning GenPept entries does not work

Henrik.Seidel@schering.de Henrik.Seidel@schering.de
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 16:28:32 +0100

Dear all,

obviously, NCBI-GenPept entries in GenBank file format cannot be parsed, since
the regular expression in line 185 of genbank.pm expects "bp" while protein
entries have "aa" in their LOCUS line. Furthermore, GenPept entries don't have a
molecule in their LOCUS line.

Do you think it would suffice to alter the regular expression, or are there
other implications with using the GenBank parser for GenPept files?



Dr. Henrik Seidel, physicist/research scientist in bioinformatics
Schering AG, Enabling Technologies, Genomics/Bioinformatics, S109 7.OG,
D-13342 Berlin, Germany, Tel.: +49 30 468 16683, Fax.: +49 30 468 96683,
henrik.seidel@schering.de, http://www.schering.de