Bioperl: MaskerAid announcement
Gustavo Glusman
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 09:25:01 +0200
Ian wrote:
>We recently made a software enhancement for RepeatMasker that improves
>its speed about 30-fold and marginally increases its sensitivity. Check
>out the MaskerAid homepage at for
>more information. It's freely available for academic use, but isn't a
>simple download (there's some paperwork involved).
Ahem. We're used to 'some paperwork'; the only downside is that even
the paperwork isn't available yet. I'm very interested in this
enhancement, so I went ahead and contacted Jack H Pincus
<> as the web page suggests, and got this as a reply:
We are presently unable to license MaskerAid because it contains
copyrighted material owned by the University of Washington. We are
working with the University of Washington to resolve this issue and will
contact you when we have a solution.
Not even a hint at when that would be...
Gustavo Glusman Founder/administrator of BioMOO (public PGP key available)
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