Bioperl: BioPerl Development, PreSeq, some questions

Steve A. Chervitz
Thu, 18 Dec 1997 12:33:50 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 18 Dec 1997, Steve Charlesworth NONLILLY wrote:

> Hello-
> I recently started a job in the Bioinformatics field.  Our work is going to
> involve some Perl programming, so I was thinking of creating a sequence class
> (and others as well) until a co-worker wisely checked the Web to see if others
> had already started on such a task.  This is how we found out about BioPerl.
> I get the impression that PreSeq has been absorbed into the Bio::Object
> hierarchy and that the version found at Steven Chervitz's site is the most
> up-to-date and the one to use.  Is this correct?

The most up-to-date version is 0.04 maintained by Chris Dagdigian at:
This is a stand-alone module that can be used as-is and is available via 
a standard distribution package. I would recommend using this.

The version of PreSeq which has been incorporated into my Bio::Object 
is based on 0.035. This version requires other modules within my 
library (the Obj:: modules). I consider this work experimental, therefore 
I don't have a standard distribution package for it yet. 

Note that the way in which utilizes Don Gilbert's ReadSeq 
package may change in the near future.

> I'm curious as to what's going on currently with the BioPerl project.
> Ultimately I'd like to get involved, but am currently in the 'orientation'
> stage.

Great. Check out the "What's new" links on the Bioperl homepage:
In particular, check out the Poster link and the OMG response link.

Steve Chervitz

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