[Biojava-l] How to find Pubmed ID

Jose Duarte jose.duarte at rcsb.org
Tue May 28 13:36:12 EDT 2024

Biojava doesn't parse pubmed ids by default. However you can do it with the
cif parser that Biojava uses underneath: ciftools-java . See the README
providing very clear examples on how to extract CIF fields:


Note that ciftools-java can also use the BinaryCIF format, which makes
parsing much faster.

Alternatively, you can avoid parsing CIF altogether and instead use the
RCSB PDB Data API for this (via the GraphQL interface). See this example in
the Data API tutorial: https://data.rcsb.org/#gql-example-2


On Mon, 27 May 2024 at 07:39, Enrico Morelli <morelli at cerm.unifi.it> wrote:

> Dear,
> is there a way to get PubMed ID from a CIF file downloaded from rscb.org
> site?
> In the CIF file is the line "citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed   1910042".
> Thanks
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>   Enrico Morelli
>   System Administrator | Programmer | Web Developer
>   CERM - Polo Scientifico
>   via Sacconi, 6 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) - ITALY
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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