[Biojava-l] How to find Pubmed ID

Enrico Morelli morelli at cerm.unifi.it
Wed May 29 05:48:38 EDT 2024

On Tue, 28 May 2024 10:36:12 -0700
Jose Duarte <jose.duarte at rcsb.org> wrote:

> Biojava doesn't parse pubmed ids by default. However you can do it
> with the cif parser that Biojava uses underneath: ciftools-java . See
> the README providing very clear examples on how to extract CIF fields:
> https://github.com/rcsb/ciftools-java
> Note that ciftools-java can also use the BinaryCIF format, which makes
> parsing much faster.

Many thanks, this is very useful.

Is there a way to loop over _atom_site entries?

What I would like is to loop over the entries, check that there is, for example, a ZN atom and take its coordinates.

Is it possible, or to do that is better to use BioJava?

> Alternatively, you can avoid parsing CIF altogether and instead use
> the RCSB PDB Data API for this (via the GraphQL interface). See this
> example in the Data API tutorial: https://data.rcsb.org/#gql-example-2

Thanks, I'll check how to create GraphQl query in Spring boot.

> Jose
> On Mon, 27 May 2024 at 07:39, Enrico Morelli <morelli at cerm.unifi.it>
> wrote:
> > Dear,
> >
> > is there a way to get PubMed ID from a CIF file downloaded from
> > rscb.org site?
> >
> > In the CIF file is the line "citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed
> > 1910042".
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > --
> > -----------------------------------------------------------
> >   Enrico Morelli
> >   System Administrator | Programmer | Web Developer
> >
> >   CERM - Polo Scientifico
> >   via Sacconi, 6 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) - ITALY
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  Enrico Morelli
  System Administrator | Programmer | Web Developer

  CERM - Polo Scientifico
  via Sacconi, 6 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) - ITALY

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