[Biojava-l] biojava tools

Carolyn Curtis curtisc@genxy.com
Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:34:57 -0700

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Hi -

I'm interested in the  tools that have been developed under the biojava
project.  However, I am unable to access the download area.  Does the
need to be updated?

or are the permissions not allowing me to connect/download?
I appreciate your help in this,


C Curtis

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Hi -

I'm interested in the  tools that have been developed under the biojava
project.  However, I am unable to access the download area.  Does the link
need to be updated?

or are the permissions not allowing me to connect/download?
I appreciate your help in this,


C Curtis