[Biojava-l] Minor fixes to initial codebase

Thomas Down td2@sanger.ac.uk
Thu, 27 Jan 2000 17:16:38 +0000


If you downloaded/checked out a copy of yesterday's BioJava
release, I've now checked in a few minor corrections which
should make it easier to get things compiled and built.

The current build system (builds/buildall.sh) is heavily
Unix-oriented, and probably ought to be rethought at some
point.  One option is normal Makefiles, but I've never
found that these work particularly well for large Java
projects -- I'm more inclined towards a simple pure-Java
build driver.  Any comments?

In the mean time, it /is/ possible to build everything
manually -- let me know if you are having any problems.

Happy hacking,

``Science is magic that works''  -- Kurt Vonnegut.