[MOBY-dev] Human Readable Registry on the Web ?

Sebastien Carrere Sebastien.Carrere at toulouse.inra.fr
Thu Jun 11 12:44:30 UTC 2009

Hi Steffen,

In Toulouse, we use a cgi that we wrote to browse Moby registries:

To directly access to a service description in the public central, you 
have to provide 2 parameters : service and auth_uri.

Here is an example:


As you can see on this example, for simple services (just one input), a 
direct link to Remora is provided in order to test the service.

Hope this helps,


Steffen Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> There is an itch I have since I got to know Moby:
> I'd like to *quickly* browse available services 
> without fireing up the Dashboard. Or, maybe 
> I'd like to tell someone "we have written 
> this super-cool BioMoby service", and point them 
> to a URL with a nicely formatted Name and Description 
> of the service. 
> * The serviceList is missing the both the description
>   and some <a name="ipb-halle"> to point to our services
>   http://biomoby.org/cgi-bin/serviceList, same with 
>   http://moby.ucalgary.ca/moby/ValidateService
> * The WSDL at e.g. 
>   http://biomoby.org/services/wsdl/ipb-halle.de/MassBank_unique_DBLinks
>   is not really human readable.
> * The RDF at http://moby.ucalgary.ca/RESOURCES/MOBY-S/ServiceInstances
>   is neither human readable, nor can I point to my service
> * GBwrose can't easily be linked to with any search parameters,
>   and anyway offers way too much functionality for my purpose
> Did I miss anything obvious ? I'd expect that a nicely formatted
> web accessible registry overview (with occasional visits
> by google et al) could boost public visibility of BioMoby.
> Yours,
> Steffen

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