[MOBY-dev] jmoby class for workflow. Does it exist?

Sergio Ramirez Ramirez serr at ac.uma.es
Mon Sep 1 10:10:53 UTC 2008

Hello Jerzy

Unfortunately, moby can not handle workflows by itself for now. Normally 
you use taverna for building workflows.
I'm trying to learn how to use Taverna libraries to run workflows. There 
is a taverna class (workflowlauncher or similar) available in the web 
page for taverna, but I couldn't make it work.

I'm also very interesting in this topic.
Greetings, Sergio

Jerzy Orlowski wrote:
> Hello
> I am searchng for a java class representing a BioMoby workflow:
> I found some classes that represent connections:
> datatype -> service
> service -> datatype
> datatype -> datatype
> in org.biomoby.client.
> (There is even a class for drawing graphs using graphviz, but 
> unfortunately without datatype -> datatype connections.)
> I do not find find any class that these connections gathers them 
> together as a workflow and enables execution of this workflow given 
> some inputs.
> Does such class exist in jMoby? Or should I run my workflows using 
> Taverna libraries (How should I do it)?
> If it does not exist I will probably write it but maybe somebody is 
> already doing it.
> Jerzy Orlowski
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Sergio Ramírez Ramírez
Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática (INB)
Integrated Bioinformatics Node (GNV-5)
Dpto. de Arquitectura de Computadores
Campus Universitario de Teatinos, despacho 2.3.9a
29071 Málaga (Spain) +34 95 213 3387

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            Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune 

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