[MOBY-dev] jmoby class for workflow. Does it exist?

Jerzy Orlowski jerzyo at genesilico.pl
Mon Sep 1 10:01:45 UTC 2008


I am searchng for a java class representing a BioMoby workflow:

I found some classes that represent connections:
datatype -> service
service -> datatype
datatype -> datatype
in org.biomoby.client.
(There is even a class for drawing graphs using graphviz, but 
unfortunately without datatype -> datatype connections.)

I do not find find any class that these connections gathers them 
together as a workflow and enables execution of this workflow given some 

Does such class exist in jMoby? Or should I run my workflows using 
Taverna libraries (How should I do it)?
If it does not exist I will probably write it but maybe somebody is 
already doing it.

Jerzy Orlowski

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