[MOBY-dev] BioMOBY Asynchronous Service Call Proposal v2.3

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Fri Sep 22 21:33:23 UTC 2006

Hi all,

Sorry I'm getting into this discussion so late, but it would seem to me 
that it would be helpful to add a ResourceProperty that gives the client 
a hint as to how often they should check back for an answer.  The server 
would have a much better idea of the appropriate interval than the 
client, no?  If my client software generally checks every minute for 
async job responses, but the process always takes a day, that's a lot 
(1440) of useless polling requests.  A bit like the Refresh header in 


> For an updated version of the proposal for asynchronous services:
> http://twiki.inab.org/twiki/pub/INB/INBDocsRoot/BioMOBY_Asynchronous_Service_Call_Proposal_WSRF_v2.3.pdf
> Changes:
> - Added missing parts to the XML examples (thanks Pieter)
> - Removed hasCallingDetail, now instead suggesting a new value for 
> dc:format (thanks Martin). Because allowed value in dc:format comes from 
> the MyGrid ontology we should coordinate with them to find exactly what 
> value to put there.
> If there are no major issues left to discuss, could the RFC committee 
> please call a vote on the proposal for October 1st?
> Kind regards,
> Johan

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