[MOBY-dev] [moby] Example of a response message with SOAP envelope

Javier de la Torre jatorre at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 16:34:39 UTC 2006


And how does the services work? I mean, do they have to connect to  
the registry to check the relations of the objects they serve with  
what other people might be sending them? Or is it that they just take  
the string, in my case, and do something with it? If it is the second  
then a user, stupidly, could be sending an object to a service that  
is not necessarily inheritanced from the data type he understands and  
he will be using it. Of course there is nothing wrong to provide  
stupid answers to stupid questions, but, is it like this?

The, can I just take the content from the <moby:string> in the income  
message and expect that it is actually a ScientificName?



On 19/09/2006, at 18:26, Mark Wilkinson wrote:

> On Tue, 2006-09-19 at 18:22 +0200, Javier de la Torre wrote:
>> information I need so I think I am safe because inside your
>> MyScientificName there will still be a ScientificName. I dont mind
>> where in the XML it is because XSLT will find it, hopefully!
> Nope, not quite :-)  ScientificName (as a tag name) will not be inside
> of MyScientificName; however the *content* of MyScientificName will
> include all of the same elements as the *content* of ScientificName
> MyScientificName to ScientificName is an inheritence relationship,  
> not a
> container relationship
> M
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