[MOBY-dev] Taverna: moby_collection widget

Eddie Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 16:16:40 UTC 2005


The widget should work. I dont have a computer that could try it out
(using dial-up) but as i recall, what one has to do is add the widget
'create_moby_collection' to a work flow and then add the various
datatypes (DNASequence, Integer, etc) to the input ports and a
properly formed collection should result and can be passed to the
appropriate moby service.

Out of curiousity, what was the class that caused the exception? Do
you think that you could send me the error output? I am not sure how
much help i can be for the next 2 weeks (no steady net connection) but
i'll try!

If you want to see how to use the collection, you could try the
following workflow:
with the following input:

That workflow is known to work (actually, you will need to do a
find/replace on the following string:
find-> http://mobycentral.cbr.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/MOBY05/mobycentral.pl
replace-> http://mobycentral.icapture.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/MOBY05/mobycentral.pl
and then it will work. Sorry about that!).


On 8/16/05, Dirk Haase <d.haase at gsf.de> wrote:
> Hi!
> I just tried out the Create_a_moby_collection widget in the new Taverna (after
> CVS build, the package is still the buggy one I think...) but didn't have
> much fun with it. As soon as I use it in the workflow, the service invocation
> fails, a ClassCastException is reported. Failure is even before an http
> request is sent out.
> Can anybody confirm that the widget  is working? One thing I noticed is that
> the widget output is typed only as text/plain not as text/xml like for
> example Create_moby_data does it. But I have no idea if this is relevant...
> I'll be thankful for any hints.
> Regards,
> dirk
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Dirk Haase                          phone +49 89 3187 3583
> http://mips.gsf.de/~haase           email   d.haase at gsf.de
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