Nina Opushneva opushneva at yahoo.ca
Wed Sep 22 05:33:57 UTC 2004

Hi Martin,

Mark is away now. May I try to answer your question.

3) It expects to find, there, a RDF representation of
the services hosted by this service provider. If the
connection is refused three times in a row for the
same reason, the services that have been registered
with this signatureURL will be deleted from
mobycentral database.  Every time a message about a
refused connection will be sent to provider.

If the connection was successful, the RDFAgent browses
the input stream and compares it to the data in the
database. New services described will be added to
database; the services, which were expected to be at
this URL, but are missing, will be deleted from the

I don’t think that RDFagent is going to be working
every day, maybe for checking could be enough once a
week (lets say on Sunday). So, providers will have
time to put their RDF into the RDF file. But we can
discuss it.



--- Martin Senger <senger at ebi.ac.uk> wrote:

> Mark,
>    I found the agent's behaviour description
> slightly inconsistent in one 
> place (perhaps agent is not inconsistent, perhaps it
> is only the 
> description, I have not tested the agent itself):
> > The agent runs on a cron, and behaves as follows:
> > ...
> > 3)  If it doesn't find a valid RDF file there,
> then it flags an error;
> > after a certain number of errors your service(s)
> will be deregistered.
> > ...
> > 5)  If it expects to find a service signature in
> this RDF, and can't
> > find it, it concludes that the service has been
> taken off-line, and it
> > will de-register that service.
> >
>    So: if there is no file at all, it will try
> several times before
> de-registering the service. But if there is any RDF
> file but without my
> service, it will de-register it immediatelly. Why
> does it not behave the
> same in these two cases? In reality, it would mean
> slightly different
> behaviour when I am adding my first service (so the
> RDF file with all my
> services does not exist yes) and when I am adding
> the second and more 
> services (when the RDF file exists - havig my
> previous services - but it 
> still does not have my last one).
>    Regards,
>    Martin
> -- 
> Martin Senger
> EMBL Outstation - Hinxton               
> Senger at EBI.ac.uk     
> European Bioinformatics Institute        Phone:
> (+44) 1223 494636      
> Wellcome Trust Genome Campus            
> (Switchboard:     494444)
> Hinxton                                  Fax  :
> (+44) 1223 494468
> Cambridge CB10 1SD
> United Kingdom                          
> http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/~senger
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