[Bioperl-pipeline] simplified xml schema with converter supporting.

Xiao Juguang juguang@fugu-sg.org
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 16:39:15 +0800

Hi guys,

> As we all know, because of the nature of BioPipe, just running tests is
> not enough, ideally you want to run a small pipeline and see it work.

I am sorry for the mistake. I selected my new pipeline to test and it sounds
OK to import into database, as well as other xml, except the one that I
missed to test and only it made problems. That is Shawn's recent updated
blast_file_pipeline.xml committed few hours ago, and he updated the
Xml2Db.pl accordingly, cvs version 1.15. Well, I developed the 1.16 based on
1.13 or something which I checked out days ago.

Then this morning, Singapore time, Shawn changed the code back, as 1.17. And
just now I wrote the 1.18, which has no problem to take all pipeline now,
based on 1.17.

Sorry for inconvenience caused.

The lesson I got from it is that I should check out the latest code first
and negotiate with other contributors before I started to modify the code or
