[Open-bio-l] Automated testing server; was [BioRuby] tutorial

Andreas Prlic andreas at sdsc.edu
Fri Mar 4 17:14:57 UTC 2011

> You mean it runs the unit tests itself? Hmm - that may not fit with
> type of Amazon machine Chris D is renting for testing.open-bio.org
> (buildbot doesn't do any heavy lifting - a separate pool of slaves
> run the unit tests).

Yes, running junit tests is part of the Maven release process. (you
can only make a release if the code compiles and all tests are
passed). Since Java is coming with its own VM, we don't need to test
on all possible architectures. Considering this, perhaps it would be
sufficient to redirect http://testing.open-bio.org/biojava/ to
http://source.rcsb.org:8080/cruisecontrol/  ...


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