[Open-bio-l] char(n) vs. varchar(n) in BioSQL

Thomas Down td2@sanger.ac.uk
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 20:47:53 +0000


During the last round of schema-changes, some columns
were changed from varchar(n) to char(n) data types.  When
I questioned this, I was told that it's still possible to
store variable-length strings in char(n) columns.  This
doesn't turn out to be entirely true.  MySQL includes some
special-case code to strip trailing spaces when retrieving
char(n) attributes, which gives the illusion of supporting
variable length strings.  Other databases don't even do

Anyway, just to give other implementors a heads-up: strings
from the ontology_term.term_name and seqfeature_source.source_name
columns will need to be trimmed client-side, if you want to
maintain database portability.  I still think these should
probably have stayed varchar(n).  On the other hand, it's
not a big enough issue to warrant another schema change.
