[MOBY-l] error when do make test

Nicholas Sutanto nsutanto at purdue.edu
Thu Feb 16 18:35:54 UTC 2006

Here is actually what I'm planning to do.

I have this website: http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/nsutanto/bio.html. 
And when we do submit query, it will call "myfile.cgi".

I want to make a simple client that can access "myfile.cgi" and query 
and have a result back to me. And I want to put "myfile.cgi" to the 
biomoby, and my client can call my functions from myfile.cgi through 
So, how do I put "myfile.cgi" to the biomoby?

Sorry if my previous question confused you all.
Let me know if you guys still confuse about my goal.

Thanks a lot for any help.
Nicholas Sutanto.

Frank Gibbons wrote:
> Nicholas,
> My suggestion is to ignore these errors - it's clear that you do not 
> have the modules "DBD::mysql" or XML::DOM installed. Unless you are 
> planning to set up your own MOBY Central database, you do not need 
> this. But you definitely need XML::DOM, so get it from CPAN, and while 
> you're there, you might want to just install DBD::mysql as well.
> As Eddie mentioned earlier, it would help us a lot if you explain a 
> little about what your interest and ultimate goals are: set up your 
> own database, set up a service, etc. I'll try to fix the code so that 
> the tests pass for users like you, who don't have DBD::mysql. In the 
> meantime, you should just continue to installation and then playing 
> around with the dispatcher and echo-service.
> -Frank

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