[MOBY-dev] Problem to register a lot of datatypes

Julien Wollbrett julien.wollbrett at cirad.fr
Mon Feb 23 09:43:53 UTC 2009


I write a plugin to Protégé. It is writen in Java. This  plugin parse an 
OWL file (with Jena) store all OWL classes and these restrictions in a 
Mobydatatype Vector and try to register all datatypes.
I now store all datatypes informations into my Vector but when I try to 
register all datatypes to a central registry I have an error message. 
This message is writen for small number of datatypes I try to register.
The message is:

       *object failed to register due to failure during registration of 
ISA/HASA relationships.  Message returned was Object will have 
conflicting articleName hasSpiciness; Mild
For example this message is written when I try to register the class 
SundriedTomatoTopping which is a class of the Pizza example ontology 
(include to protégé examples).
When I show the toString() method for this class the result is:

Name:    SundriedTomatoTopping
Auth:    j.w at cirad.fr
Desc:    temporary test description (use when ontology class has no 
Contact: cirad.fr
Parents: TomatoTopping
Children (only those registered here): *hasSpiciness (HAS) => Mild*

I don't know why I have a conflicting articleName. I have only one HAS 
relation. I have no problem with others datatype which has "HAS/HASA" 
Is it possible that this conflict is because parent datatype 
(TomatoTopping) has the same HAS relationship?
The toString() method for the TomatoTopping datatype is:

Name:    TomatoTopping
Auth:    j.w at cirad.fr
Desc:    temporary test description (use when ontology class has no 
Contact: cirad.fr
LSID:    urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:TomatoTopping:2009-20-2T14-43-34Z
Parents: VegetableTopping
Children (only those registered here): *hasSpiciness (HAS) => Mild

*Kind regards,

Julien Wollbrett*

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