[MOBY-dev] JAX-WS BioMoby API (2nd round).

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Wed Jan 16 18:53:54 UTC 2008

Sorry, I meant something implementing org.biomoby.shared.Central, since 
things are much easier to be adopted if they use the existing jMoby 
interface definitions.  There's no one class bringing all the operations 
together from org.biomoby.shared.jaxb.registry is there, or am I missing 
something obvious?
> Java Moby Central implementation? I think Java implementation is 
> abandoned...
> My MobyRegistry (client for Moby Central) do everything with Moby 
> Central. It implements all operations I found in
> http://biomoby.open-bio.org/CVS_CONTENT/moby-live/Docs/MOBY-S_API/CentralRegistry.html 
> My demo uses it to find the services... MobyGenerator uses it to 
> obtain the ontology and service descriptions.
> Can you please be more specific?
> Dmitry
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