[MOBY-dev] A need for Moby

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Tue Jan 8 19:25:02 UTC 2008

But how do I get the LSID for a service without retrieving the the whole 
massive ServiceInstance RDF?  I want the LSID in order to avoid needing 
to fetch and parse that file...

Mark Wilkinson wrote:
> in the mobycentral.conf file there is an "lsid-authority" parameter 
> that is set during installation.  Any new "entities" created by that 
> registry will have that value as the authority of the lsid.
> ...I don't see the problem...??
> M
> On Tue, 08 Jan 2008 10:38:00 -0800, Paul Gordon <gordonp at ucalgary.ca> 
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was talking off-list with Eddie and I think I found a problem with 
>> the current spec vis-a-vis LSIDs.  Currently, there is no way to 
>> figure out a given registry what its LSID authority is.  This means 
>> you can't reliably resolve metadata about objects without hardcoding 
>> the authority.  For example, if I want to resolve the meta data for a 
>> service such as TrimVectorSeqs @ moby.ucalgary.ca the LSID is
>> urn:lsid:biomoby.org:serviceinstance:moby.ucalgary.ca,TrimVectorSeqs
>> which I can fetch and get all kinds of wonderful details about the 
>> service, including in the future things like test cases.  The problem 
>> is that the biomoby.org part only works for stuff registered at the 
>> main Moby Central server.  If I want to use the INB central server, 
>> there is currently no way for the registry to tell me what to put in 
>> the LSID where the "biomoby.org" normally is.  I need this, for 
>> example, so that MobyService.getService(name, authority, registry) 
>> can fetch all the details of the service and create a meaningful 
>> MobyService object from RDF (as that's the direction we are 
>> heading).  This is the last bit of my jMOBY code that doesn't support 
>> multiple registries, so it's serious stumbling block.
>> My proposal is that we a new method something like the current  
>> retrieveResourceURLs method, but called 
>> retrieveResourceLSIDAuthorities.  The output would look like:
>> <resourceLSIDAuthorities>
>>        <Resource name="Service" authority="biomoby.org">
>>        <Resource name="Object" url="biomoby.org"/>
>>        <Resource name="Namespace" authrity="biomoby.org"/>
>>        <Resource name="ServiceInstance" url="inb.es"/>
>> </resourceLSIDAuthorities>
>> In this particular case, the registry is using the standard data 
>> type, namespace and service type definitions, but has its own list of 
>> service instances...such a mirror probably may not exist at the 
>> moment, but you get the point.
>> Thoughts?
>> -Paul
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