[MOBY-dev] Movement of Moby and Java Code

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Fri Nov 30 18:01:56 UTC 2007

In the interim, if you are using the org.biomoby.shared.data packages, 
you'll need to explicitly use the Calgary registry, e.g.

Registry registry = new Registry("calgary",
MobyContentInstance contents = MobyDataUtils.fromXMLDocument(stream, 

Martin Senger wrote:
>> A general question is: will this code be changed to point to the new
>> central ?
> Yes, it will be changed (I will do it next week).
> No, it will not point to a new central :-) Instead, it will be dynamically
> filled from the data provided by  a URL Mark gave us.
> Cheers,
> Martin

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