[MOBY-dev] findService java api question

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Tue Aug 7 16:24:44 UTC 2007

Hi Andreas,
> ok - so if I understood it correctly
> I search for services consuming a GenericSequence and have as input 
> AGI_LocusCode and return a collection...
> I get getMIPSArabidopsisProteinSequence
> If I search for services with the same parameter, but consuming an 
> AminoAcidSequence, shouldn't I at least get the 
> getMIPSArabidopsisProteinSequence from the previous search, if the 
> expandObjects flag is set to true ?
No, unless the AminoAcidSequence has the AGI_LocusCode namespace, since 
that's what the service requires as input (any Object in the 
AGI_LocusCode namespace).
Of course, if you already have the AminoAcidSequence, you probably don't 
need to be calling that service... :-)
> But I dont get anything for the second search....
> Hope one can help me again :(

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