[MOBY-dev] [moby] BioMOBY powered logo?

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Wed Jul 26 15:58:47 UTC 2006

Hi Pieter, 

The M(actg)BY logo here (http://biomoby.org/moby1.gif)  is the only logo
we really have.  There are some "powered-by" buttons, but they aren't
that spectacular.  There's a nice logo/button created by the Remora
group here (http://lipm-bioinfo.toulouse.inra.fr/remora/img/remora.png),
but since they use the M(actg)BY logo in their logo, I doubt that they
have a high-res version of it.

The M(actg)BY logo was created by a colleague of Paul Gordon's way back
in 2002... I don't know if the original file still exists, but I have
c.c.'d him on this response to bring it to his attention.  If not, then
all we have is that low-res version of the logo.



On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 11:57 +0200, Pieter Neerincx wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm making a poster for a project where we have used BioMOBY to make  
> webservices. I'd like to advertise how wonderfull the BioMOBY project  
> is on that poster, so I was wondering if there is an official  
> "powered by BioMOBY" logo or something like that... Too much text on  
> a poster doesn't sell the message, so I prefer a good logo and a  
> reference to to www.biomoby.org over a literature reference.
> Cheers,
> Pi
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Mark Wilkinson
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Medical Genetics
University of British Columbia
PI in Bioinformatics, iCAPTURE Centre
St. Paul's Hospital, Rm. 166, 1081 Burrard St.
Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6
tel: 604 682 2344 x62129
fax: 604 806 9274

"Since the point of a definition is to explain the meaning of a term to
   someone who is unfamiliar with its proper application, the use of
language that doesn't help such a person learn how to apply the term is
 pointless. Thus, "happiness is a warm puppy" may be a lovely thought,
                     but it is a lousy definition."
                                                                Köhler et al, 2006

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