[MOBY-dev] RFC #1941: INB Asynchronous Service Call Proposal - sync mode required or not?

Pieter Neerincx Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Thu Feb 9 17:00:37 UTC 2006

Hi Johan et al.,

Thanks for the summary. There is one more point I'd like to discuss  
with you all. The proposal lists that a service provider should  
always support sync mode. So it's either sync only or sync and async.  
I have a service for which supporting sync doesn't make any sense.  
The jobs take way to long for sync mode. I'd rather not waste  
resources on all the clients that try sync mode first and run into  
webserver time-outs after a minute or 5. So my question is do we  
really have to support sync for all services? If the answer to that  
question is yes, I hereby request an additional error code for the  
recently adopted error handling RFC to signal that a service can only  
be invoked in async mode. So if I have to implement sync, I will do  
it but throw an error by default :).



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