[MOBY-dev] MOBY II (Was: fixes in Moses)

Damian Gessler ddg at ncgr.org
Wed Feb 1 20:08:51 UTC 2006


>> > I am *so* looking forward to 'Moby II' where we model things in RDF 
>> > rather
>> > than XML
>> >
>>    To be honest I am rather affraid of that. We all invested time and
>> efforts into making biomoby working. If we are going to change all API 
>> and
>> the way how it works we will need to invest gain. Change is not bad, but
>> must be discussed and must have a merit, not just that RDF is more
>> fancy. I hope that we are still on the same board...

I caught just a glimpse of this, and understand that the first part of the 
quoted text is from Mark, and the second from Martin.

I can assure you, that from our discussions at BioMOBY meetings--with Mark, 
Martin, and others present--to our application to NSF for the VPIN, to our 
current work plans, we have always seen the aim of bridging Semantic MOBY 
and MOBY Services as one of *joining* mature and value-laden technologies. 
I continue to believe that some things are just "done better" with a 
services approach, and some are "done better" with a semantic approach, and 
our goal in bridging the MOBY's is to develop a potent Semantic Web Services 
(SWS) platform that works and solves real world problems.  Far from seeing 
MOBY Services or Semantic MOBY code be abandoned or not used, I am eager to 
see both technologies mature to deliver their respective underlying support 
for a SWS.

Best to y'all; you're doing good work,

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