[MOBY-dev] BioMOBY meeting Fortaleza 3: Asynchronous services

Pieter Neerincx Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Sat Aug 5 19:21:32 UTC 2006

Hi all,

The last e-mails about the asynchronous services proposal are more  
than 5 months old, so we were wondering what happened. We know it  
takes time to create a good proposal and just hope the people at INB  
in Spain have not given up on reaching consensus. We know there is a  
demand for asynchronous services. Both Martin and I have already  
implemented asynchronous services, because we needed something for  
the time being. If I remember correctly the INB in Spain also already  
has some asynchronous services and there might be more. Most likely  
whatever all of us implemented is "compatible" with the current  
BioMOBY API, but having many different ways to invoke asynchronous  
services doesn't make life easier for clients. Interoperability is  
Paramount! So let's get the asynchronous services proposal back on  
the agenda. Could someone from INB please give us a status update on  
their proposal?


Martin & Pieter

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