[MOBY-dev] Breakin' the services for the final API

Martin Senger senger at ebi.ac.uk
Wed May 25 14:15:49 UTC 2005

> No.  Just like any other object, the namespace and id are associated
> with whichever object is most appropriate, and may be blank.  Nothing
> has changed in that regard.
   Generally speaking, you are right.
   But I was not speaking generally, I was referring to the case when we
convert a current object (that inherits from a primitive) into a new
object with a primitive type in its HASA. In this case we do not have more 
than one 'ns' and 'id' so if we put it into HASA mamber it must be the 
same as in the upper level. That's why I said that we have the 'ns' and 
'id' same in two places - and we do not need it I still think. Am I right?

Martin Senger

EMBL Outstation - Hinxton                Senger at EBI.ac.uk     
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