[MOBY-dev] Re: how to get LSID of the registered service
Martin Senger
senger at ebi.ac.uk
Tue May 17 15:39:31 UTC 2005
> My suggested solution is as follows: for every XML tag in an outgoing
> MOBY Central API message, where the content of the tag is an element in
> one of the four MOBY ontologies, there should be an attribute lsid='xxx'
> indicating the LSID corresponding to the human-readable content of the
> XML tag.
This seems quite a good and reasonable solution to me.
> I suspect that we will eventually need to make the same true for inbound
> MOBY Central API messages, since we now have distributed ontologies so I
> cannot be sure if the object named GeneClass is part of the biomoby
> cenral object ontolgy, or one of the distributed ontologies...
I know that you keep repeating this, and I keep repeating that it is an
implementation detail :-) I truly believe that you are confusing us by
talking about various ontologies without changing the Central API. As long
as the API does not change we *do not see" any distributed ontologies - so
for us, the mortals, there is no difference between "the biomoby central
object ontology" and any distributed ontology. Is this true or am I still
missing anything?
> On the other hand, the human readable names are so friendly that I think
> we would be shooting ourselves in the foot if we discarded them
> altogether...
Correct, I agree. I think that for inbound messages the simple names
are fine. The users can keep the LSIDs only for calling the BioMoby LSID
resolution service.
That reminds me: is the LSID resolution service already running - or it
is a work in progress?
> Let me know if there are any objections to this, and if not, I will try
> to implement this before next week.
This is a fantastic time plan!
Could you perhaps add first the changes into the API document - and let
us know - so we can change in advance also our libraries (in jMoby in my
Martin Senger
EMBL Outstation - Hinxton Senger at EBI.ac.uk
European Bioinformatics Institute Phone: (+44) 1223 494636
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus (Switchboard: 494444)
Hinxton Fax : (+44) 1223 494468
Cambridge CB10 1SD
United Kingdom http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/~senger
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