[MOBY-dev] Cut-off for MOBY-DIC registration: March 31, 2005.

Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson at mrl.ubc.ca
Wed Mar 23 20:43:07 UTC 2005

Hi all, 

Particularly pinging the S-MOBY crew, the CSHL crew, the Brisbane crew,
and anyone from myGrid or GO who wants to spend a few days away from the
dull Manchester/Hinxton rain lapping up the sun in Lotus Land :-)  If
you have not registered yet, go to: 


In order to make a budget and book the catering I have to set a cut-off
date for the MOBY DIC meeting registration.  March 31st will be the last
date for attendees who want to take advantage of the substantially
discounted registration supplement from my Genome Canada grant, after
which you will be responsible for paying your own room and board. 

So... if you haven't already registered... get on y'r horse! :-)

If you aren't sure if you have registered, go to

I will make the final budget on the 1st of April and then will be able
to let you know exactly what the registration fees will be (including 3
nights and breakfast/lunch and coffee breaks for the the meeting days). 
I'm still expecting this to be under $200, probably well under that

Cheers all!


Mark Wilkinson
Assistant Professor (Bioinformatics)
Dept. Medical Genetics, UBC, Canada

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