Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson at mrl.ubc.ca
Wed Mar 16 00:09:37 UTC 2005

Hi all, 

Just re-pinging everyone who wants to come to Vancouver for the MOBY DIC
meeting in May (7/8).  PLEASE REGISTER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE at:


I am pretty sure now that I will be able to cover 100% of your housing
costs, and probably some of the meal costs as well.  I'm still working
out the final budget, but I do need to know how many people are coming
before I can come up with the final number.  

My current guesstimate is that the registration fees (to cover your room
for up to three nights, and breakfast + lunch on the two meeting days)
will be about CAD$200.  I will try to bring that even lower if I can!



Mark Wilkinson
Assistant Professor (Bioinformatics)
Dept. Medical Genetics, UBC, Canada

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