[MOBY-dev] rfcf 2. How do I know what predicates are available inthe RDF

José María Fernández González jmfernandez at cnb.uam.es
Wed Jul 20 14:46:11 UTC 2005

Hi everybody,
	I think a mixure of b) and c) could be feasible. The RDF Schema would
be generated from the registered new predicates.

Edward Kawas wrote:
> Since there was a request to keep these messages in email
> and away from twiki, I have added each heading to an email.
> 2. How do I know what predicates are available in the RDF
> documents that describe the Moby ontologies?
> a. should we provide a list of predicates and their intended
> meanings (on a wiki, etc)? 
> b. should we provide an RDF schema defining the predicates
> (* probably the way to go)
> c. Should we allow the registration of new predicates, if
> so, should we make this an api call, etc.
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José María Fernández González		e-mail: jmfernandez at cnb.uam.es
Tlfn:	(+34) 91 585 54 50		Fax:	(+34) 91 585 45 06
Grupo de Diseño de Proteinas		Protein Design Group
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología	National Center of Biotechnology
C.P.: 28049				Zip Code: 28049
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