[MOBY-dev] rfcf 6. LSID resolution for objects in the BioMoby ontologies

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 14:46:40 UTC 2005

Since there was a request to keep these messages in email
and away from twiki, I have added each heading to an email.

6. LSID resolution for objects in the BioMoby ontologies

a. what should getData return for

 i.namespaces (the name of the namespace?)
 ii. service types (the name of the service type?)
 iii. objects (xml schema? - note that schemas for datatypes
should be ready and available very soon :-) 
 iv. service instances (the name of the instance?)

b. should we allow the namespace part of an LSID to be

c. should we allow the authority part of an LSID to be

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