[moby] [MOBY-dev] Re: API Change/Recommendation/Best-Practice/Meme Proposal

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Wed Jul 13 15:50:33 UTC 2005


    We are talking about decomposition. What you are talking about is 
inheritence.  You can switch off finding services that match parent 
objects, of course.  But an annotated base64 encoded GIF under the new 
scheme would NEVER match something that takes String as input, no matter 
how you set the service finding flag.  The CLIENT would need to 
decompose (probably at the user's request) the GIF object into its 
constituent String members, such as the "contents" or the "description", 
and search MOBY central using JUST that member.  That's what we mean by 

>The "virtual decomposition" of objects that MOBY does during service
>discovery can be switched on/off.  Switching it off will prevent this
>behaviour also if it is an immediate concern.

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