[moby] [MOBY-dev] jMoby compilation problems

Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson at mrl.ubc.ca
Thu Apr 7 23:03:57 UTC 2005

Hi Martin, 

There have been a variety of requests for what we should talk about at
the Vancouver meeting.  I suspect that the best way to meet everyone's
interests is for us to have a couple of hours each morning where we
discuss things as a whole, and then break into smaller BoF groups to
discuss specific issues.  There are enough of us at this meeting (yay
MOBY!) that we can probably accomplish more by breaking into smaller
task-specific groups anyway.

Damian/Gary do you have specific goals for the meeting?  Does the BoF
idea suit you?

Let's start working-up an outline for the two days.

Cheers all!


On Thu, 2005-04-07 at 14:27, Martin Senger wrote:

> PS. Mark, could we have scheduled a short session about Java developing in
> Vancouver - to discuss the similar things and rules that I mentioned
> above. I know that Eddie is also working on documenting such principles,
> so it would be good to have some time to present it, discuss and
> hopefully accept it. Thanks. M.
Mark Wilkinson
Assistant Professor (Bioinformatics)
Dept. Medical Genetics, UBC, Canada

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