[moby] Re: [MOBY-dev] Apache2 & mod_perl 2

José María Fernández González jmfernandez at cnb.uam.es
Tue Apr 5 15:23:46 UTC 2005

If the segfaults are more or less random, it could be an almost broken
memory module, which makes jam with some of its bits when it gets hot.

Are segfaults happening when the server is under heavy load? Or does
they appear when about an hour has been spent doing almost "nothing"?

If it is a software problem, a fresh, known stable installation should
be the answer.

	Best Regards,
		José María

Mark Wilkinson wrote:
> I don't think that Apache/mod_perl are the problem - I think the problem
> is with the (known) incompatibilities between Apache1 and EXPAT.  This
> would make some sense, since we recently migrated from XML::DOM to
> XML::LibXML, and that seems to be when the worst of the symptoms
> started.
> The problem is that I have tried all the fixes for this problem that I
> could find through Google and none of them have worked so far, so I am
> left with no other option but to try upgrading in hopes that Apache2 has
> no incompatibilities (if that really is the problem...).  The concern
> with doing so is that I know there were incompatibilities between
> Apache2 and mod_perl a year or so ago when I last tried this, so I am
> wondering if anyone knows if these have now been resolved.
> M
> On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 07:45, Martin Senger wrote:
>>   Why would you think that Apache & perl_mod is the cause of the current
>>problems, considering that Moby Central was running without flaws many
>>mnths before? What has changed before the current problems started? If you
>>changed more things now - like having Apache2 - you could never be able to
>>find what *really* was a problem... Just my 2c...
>>   Martin

José María Fernández González		e-mail: jmfernandez at cnb.uam.es
Tlfn:	(+34) 91 585 54 50		Fax:	(+34) 91 585 45 06
Grupo de Diseño de Proteinas		Protein Design Group
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología	National Center of Biotechnology
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